
Attached file: pracovni-list-whos-missing.pdf

Subject: Humans and their world
Cross-curricular links: English language
Target language: Baby, Brother, Dad, Mum, Sister, cat
Time: 20 minutes
Materials: worksheet

  • Show the children the picture of the family sitting on the sofa and ask them to name the individual family members. “Who can you see on the sofa?“
  • Enlarge the handout and cut out the individual pictures. Put the pictures of the family sitting on the sofa around the classroom. Ask the children to help you put the pictures up “(Petr) please put this picture on the door. Thank you.“
  • Split the class so that the children can work in groups.
  • Demonstrate how to fill in the form. Clearly show the children that they have to walk from one picture to the next and fill in the corresponding line on their form with ticks and a cross, depending on who is and who isn’t in the picture. Give several examples. Say “Please put a tick here, if Dad is sitting on the sofa, but put a cross if Dad isn’t sitting on the sofa.“
  • Give out a form to each group and encourage the children to complete the task, helping where necessary. Start each group at a different picture to avoid queuing and unnecessary waiting.
  • When they have filled out the whole form, go through the children’s ticks and crosses to see if they can all identify who is missing from each picture and name them.

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