(Verbs and Prepositions of Place)

Subject: Physical education
Cross-curricular links: English language
Target language: swim, hop, run, jump, dance, walk, fly aj.
Time: 10 minutes
Materials: classroom realia or flashcards

  • Place the flashcards around the gym. *)
  • In pairs or small groups, tell the children which flashcard to go to and how they should move to get there, e.g. “Swim to the table.”
  • When they get to the correct picture in the correct way, ask the other children to applaud them or reward the first group to arrive.

*) If there are only a few children you can stay in the classroom and use realia objects instead of pictures.

Classroom language:

Swim to the table.
Walk to the chair.
Hop to the book.
Jump to the bag.
Run to the pen.
Fly to the window.


Introduce a countdown system (5,4,3,2,1,0) during which the children must carry out your instruction. Any children still ’swimming to the table’ after you have reached 0 must sit out the next round.

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Verbs and Prepositions of Place

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