
Attached file: pracovni-list-where-do-they-live-2listy.pdf

Subject: Humans and their world
Cross-curricular links: English language
Target language: butterfly, dog, hare, horse,, monkey, shark
Time: 10 minutes
Materials: handouts, coloured A4 pictures, card

  • Cut out some animal pictures from a magazine (size A4) and stick them on the card.
  • Stick the animals in 2 columns one below the other (3 and 3)on the back side of the card. Cut them out to make smaller cards (the big picture is divided into 6 pieces).
  • Copy the handout (with the pictures of the different environments in which the animals live in). Don’t cut them out.
  • Divide children into groups of 4: “Make groups of 4.“
  • Give the card with the pictures of animals on and the sheet of the different environments to each group.
  • They should place the animals into the correct environment (where the animals usually live): “Where do these animals live? Place them in the correct place, please.“
  • When the children are ready ask them to turn the cards with animals over: “Please, now turn the cards over.“
  • When they turn the cards over they should see an A4 picture of an animal. If they can’t see a picture the children should turn the card back over and check which animal isn’t in the right place.
  • Talk together about the environments in which the animals live. Ask them: “Where does a bear live?“ and the children answer: “In the forest.“
  • At the end of the activity ask them what is on the big picture (the A4 picture on the reverse): “What can you see in the big picture?“

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