
Subject: Humans and their world
Cross-curricular links: English language
Target language: food
Time: 10 minutes
Materials: real vegetables, fruit, bread, other foods and a light cloth, e.g. a table cloth or bed sheet.

  • Before the class arrives, lay the food items on the ground or on a table and cover with the table cloth so that the children can not see them (the shape of each food item must be distinguishable).
  • Then raise the cloth for a few seconds and invite the children to look underneath “Look under the blanket.“
  • Quickly cover everything again and ask them what they saw “What’s under the blanket?“ and which items they can remember, letting them name the food items individually or conferring in small groups. “What can you remember?”
  • When a new item is remembered ask the child to point to it under the sheet. Say
  • “Where’s the (banana) Can you point to it?”
  • Reward whoever correctly names and points to a food item.
  • If something remains unnamed let the children feel it from above the sheet in order to ascertain what it is “Ok. Touch it. What does it feel like? What is it?“
  • If the children still don’t know, uncover everything re-model and drill as necessary.


The activity can be adapted to practise any vocabulary.


Blindfold one of the children, model one of the foods items under the cloth, e.g. apple, and encourage the child to find it under the cloth by touch only.

Extension Activity:

Conduct a class survey to find out which food items the children like and don’t like. This can be done as either a show of hands with the teacher asking the questions or via a simple home made tick/cross grid where the children can ask each other the full question and answer chain “Do you like (noun)s? - Yes I do/No I don’t.” The question and answer chain will need to be drilled effectively before asking the children to do the survey.

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