
Subject: Humans and the world of work
Cross-curricular links: Art, Humans and their world, English language
Target language: chips, fish, pizza, sandwich, spaghetti aj.
Language structures: I like/I don’ like; It’s healthy/It isn’t healthy
Time: 40 minutes
Materials: modelling paste; crepe paper; card (paper plates); crayons; felt-tip pens; glue; scissors; etc.

  • Bring a sufficient amount of material for making all kinds of meals, such as pizza, spaghetti Bolognese with cheese, fish and chips, etc. Each student selects a food he likes, using the available material to fix it. They can cook both food they like and do not like. “Please cook the meal you like or you don’t like. Use any material you want.”
  • While the students are working, select a place for them to bring the healthy food, and a place for the unhealthy ones. You may use colours to distinguish between them - draw a black and a green dot on the paper. If they cannot decide, students place the food between the two dots.
  • When they are all finished, each student says what he cooked and whether he/she likes it or not. “What have you got? Do you like it?” Then, ask each child to take his/her food to one of the marked places. Explain what the colours mean ahead of time: “Please put the meal on the green dot if you think it’s healthy or on the black dot if you think it’s unhealthy. If you don’t know, put it in the middle.”
  • Finally, discuss what belongs where with the whole class.

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