(Verbs and Prepositions of Place)

Subject: Physical education
Cross-curricular links: English language, Mathematics
Time: 5 minutes
Materials: basket, paper balls

  • Make some paper balls using newspaper or coloured card and a basket and show the children that they are going to throw the balls into the basket.
  • Make a line on the floor as a starting point and say “Throw from here.”
  • Select a child at random and give them a ball. Ask them to throw it into the basket “Throw the ball into the basket, please.”
  • Count the number of balls that are in the basket by asking “How many balls are in the basket?” Then ask a further question “How many balls are in front of the basket/next to the basket/behind the basket?” Encourage the children to answer with just the number and confirm the answer by stating “Yes, there are 3 balls in front of the basket.” Placing t stress on both the number and the preposition.

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Verbs and Prepositions of Place

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