(Verbs and Prepositions of Place)

Attached file: pracovni-list-what-i-can-do.pdf

Subject: Humans and their world
Cross-curricular links: English language
Target language: dance, drive a car, fly, jump, play the piano, play football, ride a bike, ski, swim
Language structures: Yes, I can/No, I can’t; Can you…?
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: worksheet, pencil

  • Give the children the handout.
  • Look at the each activity on the pictures and ask the children: “Can you (dance)? Yeah? Circle the picture. No? Cross the picture.“
  • After we asked about all the activities in the handout ask the children: “(Kamila), can you (drive a car)?“ and they answer: “Yes, I can/No, I can’t.“
  • After we asked several children and then they should ask each other in pairs or a small group: “Ask your friend what she/he can do.“

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Verbs and Prepositions of Place

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