(Verbs and Prepositions of Place)

Subject: Physical education
Cross-curricular links: English language, Humans and their world
Target language: colours
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: chalk/string

  • With two lines, the teacher marks a river on the floor.
  • Using a counting rhyme, the teacher selects a student to be Mr. Crocodile. The student then stands in the middle of the river.
  • The rest stand on one bank calling: "Please, Mr. Crocodile, can we cross the river?”
  • Mr. Crocodile replies: “Yes, you can if you have/are wearing something (e.g. blue) on.”
  • Students who are wearing something blue can cross the river easily. The rest of them must run across fast, so that Mr. Crocodile cannot catch them.
  • Those students that are caught become crocodiles themselves.
  • The game continues until all students turn into crocodiles.

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Verbs and Prepositions of Place

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