
Attached file: pracovni-list-what-can-I-buy-for-15-coins.pdf

Subject: Mathematics
Cross-curricular links: English language, Humans and their world
Target language: toys, school objects, food
Language structures: How much is the (noun?; It’s (number) coin; I’ve got…
Time: 20 minutes
Materials: pictures / flashcards or realia, pretend coins

  • Select several students at random who will be shop keepers and sell various items (pens, books, toys, plastic animals etc.). Each item will have a price. The other pupils will be their customers. The shops will be spread around the classroom.
  • Each customer gets 15 coins to spend on shopping. “You’ve got 15 coins each. Here you are“. They must ask the price of the things they want to buy. Introduce the question and answer “How much is the (noun)? It’s (number) coins“ in the first demonstration of the activity and drill until you feel the students are comfortable producing it.
  • Put the shop keepers in place and ask the children with their 15 coins to buy 3 items. When they have finished ask them to count out their remaining coins and ask the children what they bought “What did you buy in the shops?“

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