
Subject: Humans and their world
Cross-curricular links: English language
Time: 20 minutes
Materials: photos of the children when they were babies and current ones

  • First show your students pictures of yourself when you were a child (baby, pre-school, elementary and high school student) and ask them to guess who is in the pictures: "Guess who the person in the photos is." Put the photos in chronological order.
  • Have the children put their pictures on their desks – everyone has two photos (when they were small and a current one).
  • Glue the current photos of the children on a large poster, leaving room next to each photo for another one.
  • Collect the old pictures, shuffle them and have each student toss one. Their task then is to match the old picture with the new one glued on the poster: "Pick one photo and match it to the photo of your classmate on the poster."

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