
Subject: Physical education
Cross-curricular links: English language, Humans and their world
Time: 10 minutes

  • Let the children move around the gym freely; however, their eyes must either be blindfolded or closed: "Please close your eyes and walk carefully around the room."
  • When someone bumps into someone else, they greet each other and give each other an apology: "If you bump into somebody, say hello and sorry."
  • Give children instructions as to who they are to search for, e.g. someone of the same height, with the same length of hair, a person wearing glasses, etc. "Find somebody who is of your height/has got long hair/short hair/wears glasses."


During this activity, pay special attention to your students’ safety. Based on your experience with a different group, consider if this game is suitable, if they will join in (some people do not like other people touching them, you should therefore avoid forcing them to play games like this).

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