
Attached file: pracovni-list-safari-album.pdf

Subject: Humans and their world
Cross-curricular links: English language
Target language: elephant, crocodile, giraffe, hippo, lion, monkey, parrot, snake, turtle, zebra
Language structures: What is it? It’s a/an……, I don’t know; modal verb can to express ability (I can see); passive understanding of it’s got (our legs); like to show preference (monkeys like bananas)
Time: 20 minutes
Materials: DVD player, worksheet

  • First play the whole clip without pauses and encourage the children to “say with Steve”.
  • Before you play the DVD clip for the second time, show the children the Safari Album handout and demonstrate that their task is to match Steve’s bad animal photos with the good photos: “Match Steve’s bad pictures/photos with the good pictures/photos.”
  • Give the children the Safari Album handout and play the clip again.
  • Pause the DVD after each bad photo is shown on screen and allow the children a few seconds to find and match the good and bad pictures of the corresponding animal, checking their work in small groups if required.
  • Resume the DVD to check the correct answer as a class, pausing after the target language has been re-drilled by Steve and the children to ask the more advanced students “Can hippos fly?“ to elicit “No” or “Can hippos swim?” etc.

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