
Attached file: pracovni-list-pizza-puzzle.pdf

Subject: Art
Cross-curricular links: English language, Humans and their world
Target language: banana, cheese, chocolate, olives, orange juice, salami, tomato ketchup, yoghurt
Language structures: I like/I don’t like
Time: 15 minutes
Materials: worksheet, crayons

  • Show the children that they will be asked to draw the food that Steve likes on the pizza on the right and the food he doesn’t like on the pizza on the left. “If Steve says, I like cheese on pizza, then draw cheese on this pizza on the right. If Steve says, I don’t like yogurt on pizza then draw yogurt on this pizza on the left”.
  • Distribute the worksheet to every pupil.
  • Re-watch the DVD and ask the children to complete the handout.
  • When the children have all finished, ask them, “What’s Steve got on this pizza?” while pointing to the pizza on the left or the right.

Extension Activity:

Ask the pupils to draw their own perfect pizza on a plain sheet of paper. “Please draw your own perfect pizza. Only put on the things you like” Ask individual pupils “What’s on your pizza? Do you like (noun)s?”

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